Online Resources

Parents as Teachers

Parents as Teachers is a free parent education program.

Order free At-Home Decodable Book Series, a collection of seven booklets containing 20+ exciting stories full of sounds and words to practice, and age-appropriate, high-quality Scholastic books from the Governor’s Early Literacy Foundation.

Arcademics combines the excitement of video games with educational content to produce a high rate of learning through exciting, focused repetition that enables automaticity and fluency to be achieved quickly.

Google Lit Trips are downloadable files that mark the journeys of characters from famous literature on the surface of Google Earth with pop-up windows contain "just in time" resources including relevant media, thought-provoking discussion starters, and links to supplementary information about "real world" references in that portion of the story.

Noggin, a pre-school product of Nickelodeon, is now free for 90 days without having to provide any credit card information. Noggin features preschool learning games, full episodes, books, and activities led by kids’ favorite characters.

Scholastic Learn at Home offers day-by-day projects to keep your family reading and thinking. These activities are sorted into categories based on grade level.

Highlights is here to help parents raise children that are Curious, Creative, Caring, and Confident.™

TN Department of Education Resources

A variety of resources for students, teachers, and families.

Braille Tales

This program provides six free Print/Braille books a year to blind and low vision children until the child’s 6th birthday, as well as to blind and low vision parents of children under six years old.

Mrs. Bush’s Story Time is a new podcast for families, featuring recordings of Mrs. Bush reading cherished children’s stories aloud with special guests like Winnie the Pooh, Daffy Duck, Elmo, and Grover, and celebrities including Oprah and Alan Arkin.

K12 Reader offers free worksheets and articles to teach about key literacy concepts such as theme and setting, and about grammar concepts like common nouns, predicates, transition words, and the prepositional phrase.

WORD Force: Free Literacy Activities for K-2 Students

Silly, superhero storylines help young readers explore new worlds and develop their reading skills.